Wednesday 1 June 2011

Vitex For Fertility ( By Brandy B. Wid )

    Hello ladies, I have some exciting news to tell you about today! The herb Vitex is finally getting the recognition it so graciously deserves. Vitex has long been used by herbalist and natural healers as a powerful natural fertility herb and hormonal regulator.   Hormonal imbalances have the potential to cause a wide array of problems in a woman's body including, but not limited to, infertility, PMS, menstrual issues, painful cysts, fertility issues, and fibroids. Vitex has proven itself time and time again as an effective option for stabilizing your hormones therefore, improving these issues. Let me explain in detail how the herb works with your body. Vitex and Fertility First of all let's talk about how Vitex works with fertility. All too often infertility may be caused by a simple imbalance, or lack of a specific hormone, which could have a negative effect on ovulation. Believe it or not, these changes go on inside your body all the time, it is when you have a constant disturbance, or complete lack of regulation, that you run into trouble. Sometimes these problems can not be avoided, and it is nothing that you have done wrong. With all the stress and external toxins we are exposed to on a daily bases our bodies can simply jump off course. Vitex helps by nourishing the endocrine system which in turn promotes healthy ovulation and hormonal balance.    The great news is you don't have to take my word for it! Because there has been study, after study, after study, that supports the effects of Vitex on your reproductive system! Many of these studies have concentrated on different aspects of fertility, such as one specifically pointed out that Vitex increases the progesterone level while increasing the luteal phase. Where as another...actually two pointed out the over all effects of Vitex on fertility as a whole, this study showed that Vitex does in fact make a woman more fertile, and greatly increases her chances of conception!! Vitex for PMS With all this talk of hormonal regulation it only makes sense that Vitex also works as a traditional remedy for PMS. Hormones are powerful, they can make us feel depressed, bloated, achy, and of course with all of this we would naturally be irritable! Well, 77% of women reported an improvement in PMS symptoms while taking Vitex. Also, herbalists everywhere have been shouting from the roof tops that Vitex is more effective against hot flashes than the more popular black cohosh. However, it is important to keep in mind that Vitex is not a quick fix cure or a fertility drug. Results listed are based on 10-15 drops of the extract taken 2-3 times daily or 600mg all month long (stop taking Vitex while you are menstruating). Results may be seen in as little as 2-3 cycles however, maximum benefits are achieved after only 6-12 cycles. Also, if you are on any type of hormone therapy you need to first discuss the decision to take Vitex with your doctor.
There are many fertility herbs that are helpful for fertility and reproductive health. To buy Vitex or learn more about natural fertility therapies visit


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